Results for 'Mathematical Structuralism is A. Kind ofPlatonism'

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  1. Izvlečki• abstracts.Mathematical Structuralism is A. Kind ofPlatonism - forthcoming - Filozofski Vestnik.
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  2. Mathematical structuralism is a kind of Platonism.B. Borstner - 2002 - Filozofski Vestnik 23 (1):7-24.
  3. Structuralism and Its Ontology.Marc Gasser - 2015 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 2:1-26.
    A prominent version of mathematical structuralism holds that mathematical objects are at bottom nothing but "positions in structures," purely relational entities without any sort of nature independent of the structure to which they belong. Such an ontology is often presented as a response to Benacerraf's "multiple reductions" problem, or motivated on hermeneutic grounds, as a faithful representation of the discourse and practice of mathematics. In this paper I argue that there are serious difficulties with this kind (...)
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  4. Structuralism's unpaid epistemological debts.Bob Hale - 1996 - Philosophia Mathematica 4 (2):124--47.
    One kind of structuralism holds that mathematics is about structures, conceived as a type of abstract entity. Another denies that it is about any distinctively mathematical entities at all—even abstract structures; rather it gives purely general information about what holds of any collection of entities conforming to the axioms of the theory. Of these, pure structuralism is most plausibly taken to enjoy significant advantages over platonism. But in what appears to be its most plausible—modalised—version, even restricted (...)
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  5. Mathematical Structuralism.Geoffrey Hellman & Stewart Shapiro - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    The present work is a systematic study of five frameworks or perspectives articulating mathematical structuralism, whose core idea is that mathematics is concerned primarily with interrelations in abstraction from the nature of objects. The first two, set-theoretic and category-theoretic, arose within mathematics itself. After exposing a number of problems, the book considers three further perspectives formulated by logicians and philosophers of mathematics: sui generis, treating structures as abstract universals, modal, eliminating structures as objects in favor of freely entertained (...)
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    Mathematical structuralism and bundle theory.Bahram Assadian - 2024 - Ratio 37 (2-3):123-133.
    According to the realist rendering of mathematical structuralism, mathematical structures are ontologically prior to individual mathematical objects such as numbers and sets. Mathematical objects are merely positions in structures: their nature entirely consists in having the properties arising from the structure to which they belong. In this paper, I offer a bundle-theoretic account of this structuralist conception of mathematical objects: what we normally describe as an individual mathematical object is the mereological bundle of (...)
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    Mathematical Structuralism and Purely Formal Theory.Marcin Czakon - 2020 - Analele Universitatii Din Craiova, Seria Filozofie (Issn: 1841-8325) 46 (2):117-134.
    In this paper we put a thesis that it is possible to perceive mathematics as a science of structures, where the difference between structure as the object of study and theory as something which describes this object is blurred. We discusses the view of set-theoretical structuralism with a special emphasis placed on a certain gradual development of set theory as a formal theory. We proposes a certain view concerning the methodology of formal sciences, which is an attempt at describing (...)
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  8. Haecceities and Mathematical Structuralism.Christopher Menzel - 2018 - Philosophia Mathematica 26 (1):84-111.
    Recent work in the philosophy of mathematics has suggested that mathematical structuralism is not committed to a strong form of the Identity of Indiscernibles (II). José Bermúdez demurs, and argues that a strong form of II can be warranted on structuralist grounds by countenancing identity properties, or haecceities, as legitimately structural. Typically, structuralists dismiss such properties as obviously non-structural. I will argue to the contrary that haecceities can be viewed as structural but that this concession does not warrant (...)
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  9. Structuralism and the notion of dependence.Øystein Linnebo - 2008 - Philosophical Quarterly 58 (230):59-79.
    This paper has two goals. The first goal is to show that the structuralists’ claims about dependence are more significant to their view than is generally recognized. I argue that these dependence claims play an essential role in the most interesting and plausible characterization of this brand of structuralism. The second goal is to defend a compromise view concerning the dependence relations that obtain between mathematical objects. Two extreme views have tended to dominate the debate, namely the view (...)
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  10. Foundations for Mathematical Structuralism.Uri Nodelman & Edward N. Zalta - 2014 - Mind 123 (489):39-78.
    We investigate the form of mathematical structuralism that acknowledges the existence of structures and their distinctive structural elements. This form of structuralism has been subject to criticisms recently, and our view is that the problems raised are resolved by proper, mathematics-free theoretical foundations. Starting with an axiomatic theory of abstract objects, we identify a mathematical structure as an abstract object encoding the truths of a mathematical theory. From such foundations, we derive consequences that address the (...)
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    Mathematical Structuralism and the Third Man.Michael Hand - 1993 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 23 (2):179 - 192.
    Plato himself would be pleased at the recent emergence of a certain highly Platonic variety of platonism concerning mathematics, viz., the structuralism of Michael Resnik and Stewart Shapiro. In fact, this species of platonism is so Platonic that it is susceptible to an objection closely related to one raised against Plato by Parmenides in the dialogue of that name. This is the Third Man Argument against a view about the relation of Forms to particulars. My objection is not a (...)
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  12. Three varieties of mathematical structuralism.Geoffrey Hellman - 2001 - Philosophia Mathematica 9 (2):184-211.
    Three principal varieties of mathematical structuralism are compared: set-theoretic structuralism (‘STS’) using model theory, Shapiro's ante rem structuralism invoking sui generis universals (‘SGS’), and the author's modal-structuralism (‘MS’) invoking logical possibility. Several problems affecting STS are discussed concerning, e.g., multiplicity of universes. SGS overcomes these; but it faces further problems of its own, concerning, e.g., the very intelligibility of purely structural objects and relations. MS, in contrast, overcomes or avoids both sets of problems. Finally, it (...)
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    Mathematical Structuralism.Charles S. Chihara - 1990 - In Constructibility and mathematical existence. New York: Oxford University Press.
    The first of six chapters in which rival views are critically evaluated and compared with the Constructibility view described in earlier chapters. The views considered here are those of Stewart Shapiro and Michael Resnik. A number of difficulties with these two views are detailed and it is explained how the Constructibility Theory is not troubled by the problems that Structuralism was explicitly developed to resolve.
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  14. Mathematical Thought and its Objects.Charles Parsons - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Charles Parsons examines the notion of object, with the aim to navigate between nominalism, denying that distinctively mathematical objects exist, and forms of Platonism that postulate a transcendent realm of such objects. He introduces the central mathematical notion of structure and defends a version of the structuralist view of mathematical objects, according to which their existence is relative to a structure and they have no more of a 'nature' than that confers on them. Parsons also analyzes the (...)
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  15.  64
    Structuralism and the Quest for Lost Reality.Bobby Vos - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (4):519-538.
    The structuralist approach represents the relation between a model and physical system as a relation between two mathematical structures. However, since a physical system is _prima facie_ _not_ a mathematical structure, the structuralist approach seemingly fails to represent the fact that science is about concrete, physical reality. In this paper, I take up this _problem of lost reality_ and suggest how it may be solved in a purely structuralist fashion. I start by briefly introducing both the structuralist approach (...)
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  16. Invariants and Mathematical Structuralism.Georg Schiemer - 2014 - Philosophia Mathematica 22 (1):70-107.
    The paper outlines a novel version of mathematical structuralism related to invariants. The main objective here is twofold: first, to present a formal theory of structures based on the structuralist methodology underlying work with invariants. Second, to show that the resulting framework allows one to model several typical operations in modern mathematical practice: the comparison of invariants in terms of their distinctive power, the bundling of incomparable invariants to increase their collective strength, as well as a heuristic (...)
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    Why Pragmaticism is Neither Mathematical Structuralism nor Fictionalism.AhtiVeikko Pietarinen - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 41:19-25.
    Despite some surface similarities, Charles Peirce’s philosophy of mathematics, pragmaticism, is incompatible with both mathematical structuralism and fictionalism. Pragmaticism has to do with experimentation and observation concerning the forms of relations in diagrammatic and iconic representations ofmathematical entities. It does not presuppose mathematical foundations although it has these representations as its objects of study. But these objects do have a reality which structuralism and fictionalism deny.
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    Ante rem structuralism and the semantics of instantial terms.Sofía Meléndez Gutiérrez - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-17.
    Ante rem structures were posited as the subject matter of mathematics in order to resolve a problem of referential indeterminacy within mathematical discourse. Nevertheless, ante rem structuralists are inevitably committed to the existence of indiscernible entities, and this commitment produces an exactly analogous problem. If it cannot be sorted out, then the postulation of ante rem structures is futile. In a recent paper, Stewart Shapiro argued that the problem may be solved by analysing some of the singular terms of (...)
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    Introduction to Special Issue: Foundations of Mathematical Structuralism.Georg Schiemer & John Wigglesworth - 2020 - Philosophia Mathematica 28 (3):291-295.
    Structuralism, the view that mathematics is the science of structures, can be characterized as a philosophical response to a general structural turn in modern mathematics. Structuralists aim to understand the ontological, epistemological, and semantical implications of this structural approach in mathematics. Theories of structuralism began to develop following the publication of Paul Benacerraf’s paper ‘What numbers could not be’ in 1965. These theories include non-eliminative approaches, formulated in a background ontology of sui generis structures, such as Stewart Shapiro’s (...)
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  20. Structuralism and Meta-Mathematics.Simon Friederich - 2010 - Erkenntnis 73 (1):67 - 81.
    The debate on structuralism in the philosophy of mathematics has brought into focus a question about the status of meta-mathematics. It has been raised by Shapiro (2005), where he compares the ongoing discussion on structuralism in category theory to the Frege-Hilbert controversy on axiomatic systems. Shapiro outlines an answer according to which meta-mathematics is understood in structural terms and one according to which it is not. He finds both options viable and does not seem to prefer one over (...)
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    Husserl and Mathematics by Mirja Hartimo (review).Andrea Staiti - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (1):162-163.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Husserl and Mathematics by Mirja HartimoAndrea StaitiMirja Hartimo. Husserl and Mathematics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021. Pp. 214. Hardback, $99.99.Mirja Hartimo has written the first book-length study of Husserl's evolving views on mathematics that takes his intellectual context into full consideration. Most importantly, Hartimo's historically informed approach to the topic benefits from her extensive knowledge of Husserl's library. Throughout the book, she provides references to texts and articles (...)
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  22. Structuralism and the Applicability of Mathematics.Jairo José da Silva - 2010 - Global Philosophy 20 (2-3):229-253.
    In this paper I argue for the view that structuralism offers the best perspective for an acceptable account of the applicability of mathematics in the empirical sciences. Structuralism, as I understand it, is the view that mathematics is not the science of a particular type of objects, but of structural properties of arbitrary domains of entities, regardless of whether they are actually existing, merely presupposed or only intentionally intended.
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  23. Structuralism and the applicability of mathematics.Jairo José Silvdaa - forthcoming - Axiomathes.
    In this paper I argue for the view that structuralism offers the best perspective for an acceptable account of the applicability of mathematics in the empirical sciences. Structuralism, as I understand it, is the view that mathematics is not the science of a particular type of objects, but of structural properties of arbitrary domains of entities, regardless of whether they are actually existing, merely presupposed or only intentionally intended.
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    The Social Constitution of Mathematical Knowledge: Objectivity, Semantics, and Axiomatics.Paola Cantù - 2024 - In Bharath Sriraman, Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Cham: Springer. pp. 2847-2877.
    The philosophy of mathematical practice sometimes investigates the social constitution of mathematics but does not always make explicit the philosophical-normative framework that guides the discussion. This chapter investigates some recent proposals in the philosophy of mathematical practice that compare social facts and mathematical objects, discussing similarities and differences. An attempt will be made to identify, through a comparison with three different perspectives in social ontology, the kind of objectivity attributed to mathematical knowledge, the type of (...)
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  25. Structuralism, mathematical.Geoffrey Hellman - unknown
    Structuralism is a view about the subject matter of mathematics according to which what matters are structural relationships in abstraction from the intrinsic nature of the related objects. Mathematics is seen as the free exploration of structural possibilities, primarily through creative concept formation, postulation, and deduction. The items making up any particular system exemplifying the structure in question are of no importance; all that matters is that they satisfy certain general conditions—typically spelled out in axioms defining the structure or (...)
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  26.  44
    Structuralism and Mathematical Practice in Felix Klein’s Work on Non-Euclidean Geometry†.Biagioli Francesca - 2020 - Philosophia Mathematica 28 (3):360-384.
    It is well known that Felix Klein took a decisive step in investigating the invariants of transformation groups. However, less attention has been given to Klein’s considerations on the epistemological implications of his work on geometry. This paper proposes an interpretation of Klein’s view as a form of mathematical structuralism, according to which the study of mathematical structures provides the basis for a better understanding of how mathematical research and practice develop.
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    Structuralist constraints and mathematical social theorizing.Martti Kuokkanen - 1993 - Erkenntnis 38 (3):351 - 370.
    Several case studies and theoretical reports indicate that the structuralist concept of a constraint has a central role in the reconstruction of physical theories. It is surprising that there is, in the literature, only little theoretical discussion on the relevance of constraints for the reconstruction of social scientific theories. Almost all structuralist reconstructions of social theorizing are vacuously constrained. Consequently, constraints are methodologically irrelevant.In this paper I try to show that there really exist constraint-type assumptions in mathematical modelling in (...)
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  28.  79
    Objectivity, Realism, and Proof. FilMat Studies in the Philosophy of Mathematics.Francesca Boccuni & Andrea Sereni (eds.) - 2016 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
    This volume covers a wide range of topics in the most recent debates in the philosophy of mathematics, and is dedicated to how semantic, epistemological, ontological and logical issues interact in the attempt to give a satisfactory picture of mathematical knowledge. The essays collected here explore the semantic and epistemic problems raised by different kinds of mathematical objects, by their characterization in terms of axiomatic theories, and by the objectivity of both pure and applied mathematics. They investigate controversial (...)
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  29. Structuralism reconsidered.Fraser MacBride - 2005 - In Stewart Shapiro, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 563--589.
    The basic relations and functions that mathematicians use to identify mathematical objects fail to settle whether mathematical objects of one kind are identical to or distinct from objects of an apparently different kind, and what, if any, intrinsic properties mathematical objects possess. According to one influential interpretation of mathematical discourse, this is because the objects under study are themselves incomplete; they are positions or akin to positions in patterns or structures. Two versions of this (...)
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    On the Exhaustion of Mathematical Entities by Structures.Adrian Heathcote - 2014 - Axiomathes 24 (2):167-180.
    There has been considerable discussion in the literature of one kind of identity problem that mathematical structuralism faces: the automorphism problem, in which the structure is unable to individuate the mathematical entities in its domain. Shapiro (Philos Math 16(3):285–309, 2008) has partly responded to these concerns. But I argue here that the theory faces an even more serious kind of identity problem, which the theory can’t overcome staying within its remit. I give two examples to (...)
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  31. Structures and structuralism in contemporary philosophy of mathematics.Erich H. Reck & Michael P. Price - 2000 - Synthese 125 (3):341-383.
    In recent philosophy of mathematics avariety of writers have presented ``structuralist''views and arguments. There are, however, a number ofsubstantive differences in what their proponents take``structuralism'' to be. In this paper we make explicitthese differences, as well as some underlyingsimilarities and common roots. We thus identifysystematically and in detail, several main variants ofstructuralism, including some not often recognized assuch. As a result the relations between thesevariants, and between the respective problems theyface, become manifest. Throughout our focus is onsemantic and metaphysical (...)
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  32. Structuralism and the Independence of Mathematics.Michael D. Resnik - 2004 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 12 (1):39-51.
    Mathematical objects, if they exist at all, exist independently of our proofs, constructions and stipulations. For example, whether inaccessible cardinals exist or not, the very act of our proving or postulating that they do doesn’t make it so. This independence thesis is a central claim of mathematical realism. It is also one that many anti-realists acknowledge too. For they agree that we cannot create mathematical truths or objects, though, to be sure, they deny that mathematical objects (...)
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  33. Homotopy Type Theory and Structuralism.Teruji Thomas - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Oxford
    I explore the possibility of a structuralist interpretation of homotopy type theory (HoTT) as a foundation for mathematics. There are two main aspects to HoTT's structuralist credentials. First, it builds on categorical set theory (CST), of which the best-known variant is Lawvere's ETCS. I argue that CST has merit as a structuralist foundation, in that it ascribes only structural properties to typical mathematical objects. However, I also argue that this success depends on the adoption of a strict typing system (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Structuralism in Social Science: Obsolete or Promising?Josef Menšík - 2018 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 40 (2):129-132.
    The approach of structuralism came to philosophy from social science. It was also in social science where, in 1950–1970s, in the form of the French structuralism, the approach gained its widest recognition. Since then, however, the approach fell out of favour in social science. Recently, structuralism is gaining currency in the philosophy of mathematics. After ascertaining that the two structuralisms indeed share a common core, the question stands whether general structuralism could not find its way back (...)
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  35. Univalent foundations as structuralist foundations.Dimitris Tsementzis - 2017 - Synthese 194 (9):3583-3617.
    The Univalent Foundations of Mathematics provide not only an entirely non-Cantorian conception of the basic objects of mathematics but also a novel account of how foundations ought to relate to mathematical practice. In this paper, I intend to answer the question: In what way is UF a new foundation of mathematics? I will begin by connecting UF to a pragmatist reading of the structuralist thesis in the philosophy of mathematics, which I will use to define a criterion that a (...)
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  36. Can Ante Rem structuralism solve the access problem?Fraser MacBride - 2008 - Philosophical Quarterly 58 (230):155-164.
    Ante rem structuralism is the doctnne that mathematics descubes a realm of abstract (structural) universab. According to its proponents, appeal to the exutence of these universab provides a source distinctive insight into the epistemology of mathematics, in particular insight into the so-called 'access problem' of explaining how mathematicians can reliably access truths about an abstract realm to which they cannot travel andfiom which they recave no signab. Stewart Shapiro offers the most developed version of this view to date. Through (...)
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  37. Scientific Structuralism: Presentation and Representation.Katherine Brading & Elaine Landry - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):571-581.
    This paper explores varieties of scientific structuralism. Central to our investigation is the notion of `shared structure'. We begin with a description of mathematical structuralism and use this to point out analogies and disanalogies with scientific structuralism. Our particular focus is the semantic structuralist's attempt to use the notion of shared structure to account for the theory-world connection, this use being crucially important to both the contemporary structural empiricist and realist. We show why minimal scientific (...) is, at the very least, a powerful methodological standpoint. Our investigation also makes explicit what more must be added to this minimal structuralist position in order to address the theory-world connection, namely, an account of representation. (shrink)
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    Is Non-Ontological Structuralism Hypothetical?Marcin Czakon - 2023 - Colloquia Theologica Ottoniana (Issn: 1731-0555) 39:153-171.
    Michael Resnik, the founder of modern structuralism in the philosophy of mathematics, changed his views and proposed a new non-ontological structuralism. Resnik is considered a prominent figure in modern structuralism within the realm of contemporary philosophy of mathematics, and his sui generis structuralism is regarded as one of the most significant and frequently discussed positions in the field. This article examines the motivations behind Resnik’s change of perspective. His new position is presented in detail, and an (...)
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    Particles vs. structures: Weak ontic structuralism.Aharon Kantorovich - unknown
    In modern physics the notion of structure can be treated as an extension of the notion of law of nature. French and Ladyman’s view concerning the ontological priority of structures over objects is confronted with Psillos’ criticism. This kind of view agrees with the paradigmatic case where the structure is an internal symmetry and the instantiations are elementary particles. An ontological model is proposed which demonstrates the relation between structures and their instantiations in this case. This view which may (...)
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  40. Structuralism in the Science of Consciousness: Editorial Introduction.Andrew Y. Lee & Sascha Benjamin Fink - manuscript
    In recent years, the science and the philosophy of consciousness has seen growing interest in structural questions about consciousness. This is the Editorial Introduction for a special volume for Philosophy and the Mind Sciences on “Structuralism in Consciousness Studies.”.
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  41. Conceptual Structuralism.José Ferreirós - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 54 (1):125-148.
    This paper defends a conceptualistic version of structuralism as the most convincing way of elaborating a philosophical understanding of structuralism in line with the classical tradition. The argument begins with a revision of the tradition of “conceptual mathematics”, incarnated in key figures of the period 1850 to 1940 like Riemann, Dedekind, Hilbert or Noether, showing how it led to a structuralist methodology. Then the tension between the ‘presuppositionless’ approach of those authors, and the platonism of some recent versions (...)
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  42. Computational Structuralism &dagger.Volker Halbach & Leon Horsten - 2005 - Philosophia Mathematica 13 (2):174-186.
    According to structuralism in philosophy of mathematics, arithmetic is about a single structure. First-order theories are satisfied by models that do not instantiate this structure. Proponents of structuralism have put forward various accounts of how we succeed in fixing one single structure as the intended interpretation of our arithmetical language. We shall look at a proposal that involves Tennenbaum's theorem, which says that any model with addition and multiplication as recursive operations is isomorphic to the standard model of (...)
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  43. Structuralist Neologicism†.Francesca Boccuni & Jack Woods - 2020 - Philosophia Mathematica 28 (3):296-316.
    Neofregeanism and structuralism are among the most promising recent approaches to the philosophy of mathematics. Yet both have serious costs. We develop a view, structuralist neologicism, which retains the central advantages of each while avoiding their more serious costs. The key to our approach is using arbitrary reference to explicate how mathematical terms, introduced by abstraction principles, refer. Focusing on numerical terms, this allows us to treat abstraction principles as implicit definitions determining all properties of the numbers, achieving (...)
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    (1 other version)Structuralism.Geoffrey Hellman - 2005 - In Stewart Shapiro, Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
    With developments in the 19th and early 20th centuries, structuralist ideas concerning the subject matter of mathematics have become commonplace. Yet fundamental questions concerning structures and relations themselves as well as the scope of structuralist analyses remain to be answered. The distinction between axioms as defining conditions and axioms as assertions is highlighted as is the problem of the indefinite extendability of any putatively all-embracing realm of structures. This chapter systematically compares four main versions: set-theoretic structuralism, a version taking (...)
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    Dedekind’s structuralism: creating concepts and deriving theorems.Wilfried Sieg & Rebecca Morris - 2018 - In Reck Erich, Logic, Philosophy of Mathematics, and their History: Essays in Honor W.W. Tait. London, UK: College Publications.
    Dedekind’s structuralism is a crucial source for the structuralism of mathematical practice—with its focus on abstract concepts like groups and fields. It plays an equally central role for the structuralism of philosophical analysis—with its focus on particular mathematical objects like natural and real numbers. Tensions between these structuralisms are palpable in Dedekind’s work, but are resolved in his essay Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? In a radical shift, Dedekind extends his mathematical approach (...)
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    (1 other version)Structuralism and Isomorphism.Charles McCarty - 2013 - Philosophia Mathematica (1):nkt024.
    If structuralism is a true view of mathematics on which the statements of mathematicians are taken ‘at face value’, then there are both structures on which classical second-order arithmetic is a correct report, and structures on which intuitionistic second-order arithmetic is correct. An argument due to Dedekind then proves that structures and structures are isomorphic. Consequently, first- and second-order statements true in structures must hold in , and conversely. Since instances of the general law of the excluded third fail (...)
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    Structuralism and informal provability.Georg Schiemer & John Wigglesworth - 2023 - Synthese 202 (2):1-26.
    Mathematical structuralism can be understood as a theory of mathematical ontology, of the objects that mathematics is about. It can also be understood as a theory of the semantics for mathematical discourse, of how and to what mathematical terms refer. In this paper we propose an epistemological interpretation of mathematical structuralism. According to this interpretation, the main epistemological claim is that mathematical knowledge is purely structural in character; mathematical statements contain purely (...)
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    The insubstantiality of mathematical objects as positions in structures.Bahram Assadian - 2022 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 20.
    The realist versions of mathematical structuralism are often characterized by what I call ‘the insubstantiality thesis’, according to which mathematical objects, being positions in structures, have no non-structural properties: they are purely structural objects. The thesis has been criticized for being inconsistent or descriptively inadequate. In this paper, by implementing the resources of a real-definitional account of essence in the context of Fregean abstraction principles, I offer a version of structuralism – essentialist structuralism – which (...)
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  49. Criteria of identity and structuralist ontology.Hannes Leitgib & James Ladyman - 2008 - Philosophia Mathematica 16 (3):388-396.
    In discussions about whether the Principle of the Identity of Indiscernibles is compatible with structuralist ontologies of mathematics, it is usually assumed that individual objects are subject to criteria of identity which somehow account for the identity of the individuals. Much of this debate concerns structures that admit of non-trivial automorphisms. We consider cases from graph theory that violate even weak formulations of PII. We argue that (i) the identity or difference of places in a structure is not to be (...)
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  50. Putting structuralism in its place.John P. Burgess - unknown
    One textbook may introduce the real numbers in Cantor’s way, and another in Dedekind’s, and the mathematical community as a whole will be completely indifferent to the choice between the two. This sort of phenomenon was famously called to the attention of philosophers by Paul Benacerraf. It will be argued that structuralism in philosophy of mathematics is a mistake, a generalization of Benacerraf’s observation in the wrong direction, resulting from philosophers’ preoccupation with ontology.
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